Sunday, May 2, 2010


Aku terpanggil nak membincangkan topik nie kat forum, tapi tak berani sebab isu nie sensitif. Tapi bagi aku isu nie semua orang perlu tahu dan kena ambil tahu sebab kesannya kepada institusi keluarga dan masyarakat sangat besar. Kesan psikologi jangka masa panjang terhadap kanak-kanak yang pernah menjadi mangsa pedofilia adalah sangat besar. Ia akan melibatkan hubungan suami isteri yang boleh meruntuhkan institusi keluarga jika tidak ditangani dengan betul.

Aku search kat Mr. Google, dapat definisi pedofilia (pedofile) dari Mr. WIKI. Here it goes:

What is a pedophile?

A pedophile is an adult who is sexually attracted to a minor. While the stereotypical pedophile is an adult who engages in sexual intercourse with a minor, a pedophile may also be an adult who has a personal attraction to a minor (one that may or may not be characterized by lust, but also by infatuation or romantic interest).
Pedophilia is thus not only the manifestation of sexual acts of an adult perpetrated against a minor, but could also be manifested in the belief that an emotional relationship is fostered and experienced between both the adult and the minor.
A minor in this case is anyone below a certain age based on local ordinance. A pedophile is s/he who engages in sexual acts with a minor, depending on the age of the perpetrator (be him/her 21 or less). Should the minor be age 14-17, pedophilia may not be charged but rather statutory rape.
The meaning of pedophilia, as stated above, is a sexual interaction characterized by adult domination, with the minor being an unwilling party.
After the age of 14 in most North American communities
This age (14 years) is considered the age at which the minor would be aware of the sexual nature of the acts being perpetrated and thus could give consent. But it is still illegal for these acts to take place, the offense being statutory rape. Because pedophilia remains one of the only major sexual taboos in North America, and carries a particular stigma, the lesser offence is statutory rape.
So an 18-year-old adult who engages in sexual intercourse with a 17-year-old minor would, in absolute terms, be a pedophile. But if the minor is aware (the key difference being consciousness of the sexual act) and consents, a lesser charge is applied.

An obsession with children as sexual objects. This includes taking explicit pictures, molesting children and/or exposing one's privates to children.  

Sekian, jagalah anak-anak kita dari anasir hari ini yang di luar akal fikiran kita kadang-kadang. Gejala pedofilia nie sebenarnya dah lama berlaku. Cuma masyarakat terlalu taboo nak mendedahkannya di waktu itu. Yang menjadi mangsa tidak mendapat pembelaan sewajarnya kerana takut dipersalahkan, takut orang tak percaya sebab pemangsa selalunya terdiri dari keluarga atau orang yang dekat dan rapat denga keluarga. Atau kadang-kadang guru asrama atau senior di asrama. Boleh jadi juga, rakan sedorm sendiri yang menjadi pemangsanya. Mereka ini memendam dalam diam atau hanya bercerita sesama rakan sebaya yang dipercayai tidak akan membocorkan rahsia besar yang menjadi trauma seumur hidup mereka. Yang tidak bernasib baik akan terus-menerus menjadi mangsa hingga mereka ketagihan seks dan menjadikan orang lain pula mangsa mereka melepaskan ketagihan seks mereka.

PROMOSI SHAKLEE MAC 2018 Bulan Mac ini semua sid Shaklee panas kerusi.  Semua tak boleh duduk diam sebab produk baru set penjagaan kuli...